Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day #4

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royalty is Breathtaking

Ok, for realsies...
Can you say phenomenal?
I think it safe to say that Kate Middleton is now the #1 role model around the world.
Today was, of course, her wedding day.
But its not just a wedding.
It's the Royal Wedding.
Ah, the title itself say something.

Lets just start off my talking about her DRESS!
She looked BREATHTAKING I tell you!
Her hair. Makeup. Gown. Veil. Bouquet.

I love love love the neckline of the dress.
That's the definition of Kate.
I want to be here!
I mean, after all, she is now married to Prince William!

By the way. I obsessed with Pippa's dress!
So classy and elegant!

They are just TO cute together!
She looks so happy!

Its about time!
Kiss already!
Took them long enough!
Immediately when Kate walks out, she goes "Oh my!" at the crowd!
I thought this little girl was too cute!
She doesn't look like shes having too much fun there in front of all those people.


My Friday's Better Than Your Friday!

It's Friday! Friday!
Well, for most people around here in the land of Franknitty, that would translate to:
"Time to stress out about PROM!"
Yeah. Not me.
Instead I am flying out to Annapolis, MD to see my family!
So exited!
I'm especially glad i don't have to be sitting around at home Sat. night wishing i was at Prom with all my friends.
{But its ok, cause i'm gonna have more fun somewhere else anyways!}
So in your face Mr. I'm not sucking it up and asking you to PROM!
I'll have a better time in Annapolis without you.

I hope anyone who is reading this and is going to prom has a lot of fun.
I mean it.
I really do.
I mean promise!
No but really.
Lets be honest here.

Day #3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day #2

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

One Week Challenge

I'm gonna try this new thing
when I post one adorable quoture (quote+picture) once a day
for a week.
(yeah i made that word up)
Cause basically i'm obsessed with them and i have hundreds.
Inspirational. Spiritual. Funny. Romantical. Dumb. Hilarious.
you name it
It'll be on here.
Starting with this one.

Day #1

Nicely Said.

Literally obsessed with Marilyn Monroe.
Don't you just love her?
(me too)
let's be honest here.
its true.
Lately I really felt the need to go oversees and work in an children's orphanage.
I was going to to Peru last summer, but couldn't because it was to short of notice.
Well I have been searching and searching so hard to find a legitament organization that takes teens to other third world countries to work. I am still searching for the right one that fits all the criteria I have.
I really want to make a difference in someones life, and I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. The simplest things can make a difference, like spending 2 weeks of your summer in a poverty enriched area around the world. There are so many areas that are in dying need of the things that we take for granted, and we can make a difference.

My heart yearns to see what is behind that door.


Happy (late) Easter!
I hope everyone had a fabulous day on Sunday!
I know i did!

Best part was when we all searched for our easter baskets in the house.
Hot and Cold
Thats the game we play.
Ya know, when we walk around the house and mom yells out HOTTER or COLDER if your getting closer of further away from the basket!
I was number 2 to go and i got my basket!
And this was in it.
Oh how I love my mom.

Here's a little video to brighten the day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

all of them please.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Chocolate Milkshake

So McKay was as usual saying mean things to me.
So I, of course, retaliated.
And spit a little bit of ice cold water on his bare chest.
Then he came after me with a mouth full of a chocolate milkshake.
Don't worry.
This is AFTER I wiped it off.

as a punishment.
He got a mouth full of red pepper powder in his mouth.
little brother punishments never get old.

{please excuse my uglyness, just got home from the gym}

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I LOL'ed when i read this.
and so did you.

Tweet. Twat. Twag. Twitta.

I'm not gonna lie.
{Im kinda obsessed}
But not really.
It's basically just a Facebook minus the profile.
But its kinda fun to just say whatever you want.
For me, my twitter is really nothing more than my conscience speaking.
I dont care who reads it, or what people think.
Its me.
Get over it.

The Incredible Machine

Oh yeah.
I went.
And it was freaking amazing!
It was such a great concert!
Sugarland is definitely just as good, if not better live than they are on their track.
Liesel and Laura were nice enough to invite us to this lovely occasion!

She rocked it!

So many songs just happen to make Liesel reallyyyyy happy.
I aint settlin'
(whose name shall not be spoken of)

I would just like to point out the creepy lady in the back
How embarrassing.
So i took off my jacket mid-show and when i put it on it was dark.
Sooooo my jacket was on backwards.
Who would have known.
Until Paige told me.

Thank you Liesel and Laura for a great night!!!!!

This Is My Life

I think its absolutely hilarious that my most popular post is of course about prom.
And i'm not even going!
This is my life.

Words cannot describe to you how badly i want to go to prom...
They just cant.
I have really been falling behind on my blogging.
My apologies!
I just haven't gotten a chance to really sit down and write!
ah! coming soon!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This is possibly the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen in my life.
enjoy :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bennie & The Jets

I'm obsessed.

This is now me and Reagan's favorite song.
Theme song of the night.
It would be silent one second, then at the same time Reagan and I would just BURST out in this song.
Loves it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Sydney!

To start off.
I would just like to point out that im pretty much obsessed with you.
I love you so so so so so much!
I'm so freaking glad we are as good as friends as we are!
I call you one of my besties, and i mean it!
We're practically sisters!

Whenever i get the chance to see you, even for only a couple of days, i jump on it.
I love spending time with you baby boo!!!!!!
Your crazy.
boy crazy. the good kind
you know how to work it
(you know what im talking bout)

easy to talk to
fun loving
hard headed

a friend
a sister
a daughter

a boy's dream

a cuddle bug
role model

I just love you so much!

Our friendship will never end!
Nothing can break it!

We're cool.
We know.

Um, so this describes our relationship.
To a "T"

We obviously knew our friendship would last 2 years from the start!
yeah buddy!
EFY 2009!

I love you so much Sydney Thorkelson!
So So Much!
Hope you had a fantriffiasticicalistic birthday!
(yeah i just made that word up)
what are you gonna do about it?

that's right!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Friday, Friday!

Ok, honestly.
Is this girl for real?
This HAS to be a joke.
It's kinda funny how this girl gets over 80 million view on youtube, and people with real talent have only thousands.
Sad. But true.

I'm not going to lie, I have this song on my ipod.
But before you criticize me, just know that i didn't support this girl by purchasing her song off itunes, i simply got it.
Off un unknown program.

So on Friday, I got up to get ready and turned on my ipod in my stereo.
And guess what.
This song was the first freaking song that came on!
I couldn't help but crack up laughing!
at 5:45 am.
Funny, right?
I just think its hilarious that this girl is actually legitimate about this.
I thought it was a complete joke spoof kind of video when i first saw it.
But apparently its totally a legit girl who is signed with a real record company.

Sad. Sad. Sad.
poor girl
didn't know what was comin' for her.

of course all throughout the day on Friday every its screaming
It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
I will never look at Friday the same.
Thanks Rebecca Black

Drop It Like It's Hot

I'm going to be rockin' these dance moves on the night of the MoFo for sure!
Can't wait!
now now now
Who's with me?
I'm down.

Happy Sunday!

Today was General Conference.
and I listened for once.
normally I don't
not gonna lie.
and the reason being had nothing to do with the fact that i have over 13 make-up seminary days to do.

This was one of my favorite talks.

Then there was President Uchtdorf
(my favorite)

I loved the story he told in the beginning of the talk.
loved it!

There was another talk that i enjoyed, but i cant remember who gave it.
Is that bad?

Hope everyone enjoyed Conference!
(my mom's special coffee cake sure helped me enjoy it even more!)