Wednesday, January 30, 2013

100 Things

Some things you should know.
1. I like alone time.
2. I love yoga pants more than anything.
3. I hate jeans.
4. I like writing things down.
5. I love my brown BCBG boots.
6. I love jewelry. Necklaces specifically.
7. I have a watch fetish. I love a man with a big watch.
8. I wear my CTR ring on my ring finger out of habit.
9. I love listening to piano music before I go to bed.
10. I can eat oreos everyday of my life.
11. My iphone is my baby.
12. Instagram is a hobby, not an obsession.
13. I haven't had my first kiss.
14. I like having things to look forward too.
15. I love traveling on my own. 
16. I hate dramatic guys. That's what girls do.
17. I pray every day that I will wake up one day and look like a Victoria's Secret model. Hasn't happened yet. I'll let you know when it does. It will be a great day.
18. I want blonde curly hair-ed children with blue or green eyes.
19. I sleep on top of my covers with a light blanket. 
20. I love country music.
21. I worry too much.
22. Favorite ice-cream. Cherry Garcia. No question.
23. I love being involved and busy. Less time to time around and beat myself up about having a boring life.
24. I secretly dream of getting famous on American Idol but I don't have the self confidence enough to do it.
25. I'm a bargain shopper. Most people would think that I have expensive taste, but there is nothing wrong with a little J. Crew sale section. Make that, ANY sale section. Nothing is ever "out of season" in my book.
26. I love my church more than anything.
27. My family is better than anyone else's.
28. I love getting my nails done, but they always chip after a day.
29. I save everything. Handouts. Notes. Letters. Etc.
30. I love fashion, but don't show it as much as I should.
31. I have a strong weakness for boys in plaid shirts, big trucks, and good jeans.
32. I dream of my wedding day every day of my life.
33. I'm 30% mountain girl. 50% southern girl. 20% city girl. 10% beach girl.
34. I'm a member of Kappa Delta Sorority.
35. I get ready for the day in 10 minutes.
36. I love interior design.
37. I love Rachel Parcell and Sydney Poulton's blogs.
38. When it comes to boys, I am possible THE most picky girl out there.
39. I like em tall, buff, blonde and blue, and southern.
40. I am self conscious of my hands, teeth, and nose. I blame my father.
41. I like all things pink.
42. I hate fleece. Yuck!
43. Blake Lively is hands down, THE most beautiful, classy, and fashionable celebrity.
44. As much as I love being organized and clean, I'm the worst at both.
45. I like my sleep. Don't wake me.
46. I hate hot weather.
47. I over analyze everything.
48. I hate hate hate competitive girls. First sign of a girl trying to "one up" me in front of a guy- I'm out.
49. I want my future home to look like Anthropologie.
50. I dont like working out. But when I do, I feel so much better about myself.
51. I don't do seafood. Ever.
52. I love frozen yogurt.
53. My favorite color to wear is black. Classy and easy.
54. I love chick flicks. HATE scary movies.
55. I dream of getting proposed to in a lighthouse.
56. I don't read. I like to write.
57. I used to be obsessed with Hilary Duff.
58. I love Christmas time.
59. I have my golf cart license.
60. This one time, I had this huge crush on this boy for all 4 years of high school, but never told him I liked him. Still haven't. Huge mistake. He's on the road to pro-football. FML.
61. I love being spontaneous and doing random things just for fun.
62. I dont know how to talk to a boy I like. At all. I choke up and make a fool out of myself.
63. I hate Valentines Day. Single Awareness Day.
64. I have jungle fever. Sometimes.
65. I watch too much TV.
66. Love a man in a tailored suit.
67. My hair is my favorite part about myself. 
68. I love Gossip Girl. OTH, and Friday Night Lights.
69. I love mexican food.
70. I like road trips.
71. This one time I was told I'm high maintenance by a boy and that he liked it. I was offended.
72. I'm a hopeless romantic.
73. I want 4 kids. Adopting a couple.
74. I dream of living in a white house with black shutters with a wrap around porch on 10 acres of land with horses and southern-ness everywhere in the smack dab middle of Franklin, TN.
75. I hate drama. I like hearing other people's drama, but hate having some of my own. It gives me anxiety.
76. I love card games.
77. This one time I was set up with my uncle's (ex) girlfriends little brother one summer,  we liked each other a lot, and we met at EFY 3 months later and were a totally fling until he decided to peace out the 3rd day. I was crushed. Still not 100% over it. 98%.
78. I'm scared of growing up, but I am crazy exited about finding out what my future holds.
79. I love back scratches in church. Or just anytime.
80. I want to get married in the San Diego temple.
81. I have had the same best friend since freshman year of high school. 
82. This one time, I made plans to hang out with a boy and some friends one weekend at the hot springs. Thursday, he tells me he cant make it on Saturday.  Friday night, my roommates and I go and...ready for this... he is there with another girl. Yep. Douche.
83. I am an addict. Of diet coke. #mormongirlprob
84. I hate my hair straight.
85. I love peanut butter and chocolate.
86. I'm a nigh owl.
87. I love my new roommates. 10280392803x better than my old ones.
88. A man who can sing and play guitar. Melts my heart.
89. I love jumbo pretzels.
90. My mom is amazing.
91. I love old cars. Specifically Ford Broncos.
92. My favorite hymn is "Come Thou Fount".
93. I love soft blankets.
94. I love bubble baths. I never take them, but I love them.
95. My worst nightmare is someone chopping off all my hair in the middle of night.
96. The Parent Trap. Classic.
97. "Dare You To  Move" also a classic.
98. I play piano by ear.  I want to learn guitar.
99. If I were to mold a man out of clay and give him a name, Sean Lowe would be his name.
100. I love adventures.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Starstruck Shmorgs

My older awesome brother, Morgan, is currently serving a full time mission of 2 years for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santiago, Chili.
He is doing incredible things out there 
And I miss him terribly.
But I wanted to share a little nugget of one of his current emails.
I thought it was funny. 
Let me share...

"On Saturday we were able to go to the Temple to see the Christmas presentation. It was packedddd! Rumor had it that there was going to be a very special guest.. We went with this family that was baptized here in July that absolutely loves us. While there I was able to see a ton of people from my past wards. It was really awesome to hear how much they missed me and to beg me to go back to their wards. Kinda bittersweet though to think of how hard it will be to leave these people that I have come to love so much. Wow... Don't wanna think about that!! But I think all the young women reading this will be very jealous to hear that that special guest was David Archuletta. Hahaha. Yeah.. I saw Elder Archuletta in the biggest Christmas concert in Chile with the Temple as the backdrop. Not gonna lie though... Kid's got some pipes. He is serving in one of the missions here in Chile and got special permission to come and be a part of the program. Pretty neat!"

Ok, so I'm kinda jealous.
But props to you, Shmorgs, for even knowing who he was. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

If You Just Realize

I realized something great today. 
I was talking to a girl in class today about some of her boy drama.
And boy, did she have some serious issues.
She is was distraught over this boy who had just broken up with her.
She kept on saying over and over again that she wasn't happy. 
She pretty much thinks the world is over.
I tried giving her the best advice that I could.
But I lack a whole lot of experience in that department.
I mean. 
Lets be real.
I haven't had my first kiss yet and I am a freshman in college.
But I just wanted to tell her this.
I could not even begin to tell you how many flippin' hours and nights I have spent
worrying about
crying about
thinking about
But honestly.
Who. Cares.

Who ever decided that boys are everything?
The only source of a girls honest happiness.
We all want it.
A boy.
There for everything and anything.
There to hold you. Cuddle you. Kiss you.
Take you out.
Drive you around.
Hold your hand.
Carry your bags.
Open the door.
Fix your broken TV.
Tell you your eyes look pretty.
Be your automatic date to parties.
Surprise you with a dozen roses.
Study with.
Go to movies with.
Laugh with.
Tell you your beautiful.
Give you confidence.
Take care of you when you're sick.

Why is it that girls feel that it is necessary to worry about all of this stuff?
We can take care of ourselves.

Don't get me wrong. Who wouldn't want all of these things?
Anyone would be lucky to have all of these things.
But it shouldn't necessarily be the deciding factor on whether or not someone is happy or depressed.
Cause I think that what girls base their happiness off of.
And that is ridiculous.

So screw you Taylor Swift for programming into every teenage girls mind that boys are everything.
Cause they're not.

So while everyone out there is listen to her sappy love songs about love. Or the loss of love.
I'll be eating yummy salty chips and salsa with a ice cold diet coke.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday! 
From Logan, Utah's 1 degree weather.
Let me just say something.
Coming from experience.
Heels + Snow

“God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as he always has. But he can't if you don't pray, and he can't if you don't dream. In short, he can't if you don't believe.” ― Jeffrey R. Holland

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Athro Love

When I'm in Anthropologie.
I get super duper depressed and wish I had millions of dollars to fulfill my happiness of having my home look like the store itself. 

Brick walls.
Distressed floors.
Shabby artsy fartsy furniture.
Rustic pipes.
Metal finishes.
Urban vibes.
Awesome books.
Perfect bedding.

One day.
It will happen.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Happy New Year.
From our YSA New Years Church Dance, to yours.

Yeah. We're really cool like that.
People wish they were as cool as us.
Going to a church dance on new years and all...
Be jealous.