Friday, May 28, 2010

The Best Bachelorette- Ali

The Best. Show. Ever


In the previous season of "The Bachelor" Ali Fedotowky had a huge decision to make.

What was more important: Work? or Love?
At the time, she felt that she needed to leave the show and go back home in order to keep her job.

On the finale of "The Bachelor" the upcoming Bachelorette was announced to be Ali, and i sure was happy! She was my favorite from the very beginning. She had that sense about her, that no other girls had. She seemed very genuine, outgoing, funny, and especially gorgeous! It was ashamed that she had to leave.

But with all that behind her, she begins another whirl-wind adventure!
Taking on the important, and glamourous role of being the new and improved Bachelorette!

Lets just say, she is a lucky girl right about now.

Last night, April and I were super bored at 2 am, so we decided to flip through our previously recorded shows on our DVR. We came across The Bachelorette, and right about then, what we were going to watch was decided.

The show started off with her walking aimlessly on the beach in her bikini, and her in her home town in San Fran, CA. And her talking about love, and how much she wants it and what not...all the obvious stuff.

one of my favorite things about her is that she isnt a twig!
she is normal. athletic. curvy.

When it came time for the guy to show up, she was so nervous! And i think that is the cutest thing about her!

the guys start coming. and coming. and coming.

guys from one end of the spectrum to the other.

from weathermen, to pro wrestler, to a lawyer, to a musician.

you name it. its here.

im so exited for this season to get on its feet! ah! i already have a draft and everything!

i love:
Chris L, Kirk, and Roberto!!
and Frank is growing on me after their one on one date.

Weatherman, needs to go. SHORTY!

Roberto is going to make it far, if not win.

that my guess..

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kiss? Kiss?

So i kinda like making the kissy face sometimes. :)

For our activity one night, the young women went to The Factory for a little camera time.

great times.

More pictures to come!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

And the Countdown Begins...

Its crunch time folks.
The home stretch.
The countdown begins.

Spring Fling.
5 Exams.

Sounds great to me!

Well, cramming is what i do best, its in my name :)

I love how all the teachers tell us not to procrastinate, when they are the ones doing it. It seems to me that all of the sudden, papers are being assigned, projects are due, and test are given daily. It doesn't seem right to me, but whatever.

These next couple are days are gonna be great, but awful at the same time! Each day is one day less we have to be in that awful building of Franklin High.

Now its time to CRAM it all inside my head for these last couple of days :)

Monday, May 10, 2010



The weekend that changed many lives in Middle Tennenesse.

water. water.water.water

It rained!

The forecast predicted just heavy rain, not heavy

It all started on saturday morning. I was on my way into work at 10:30, and i noticed that it was raining-of course, but didn't think much of it. I was opening the shoppe by myself, and was perfectly calm.
Not for long.

Business was pretty slow, normally you can predict whether its going to be a good or bad day depending on the weather. Most people would stay at home, tucked into bed watching
pay-per-view, but oh no. Not those Sweet CeCe's addicts. You'd be surprised!

Customers were coming in, slow
ly, but surely. They were the ones who were making me nervous. Telling me that roads (that were roads to get me home) were getting shutdown completely, due to the overflowing of the Harpeth River- which is everywhere. Mid-way throughout my day at work, 3 other girls had come in, it was slow, so CeCe had told me to send them both home cause it would have been pointless for them to be there.

And then there was one.

The cops at the end of the street, closing off th
e main drag home, is what made m
e nervous the most. It had been a couple hours since i was at
work, probably around 3 or so, when people were telling me "good luck" and "be safe out there, there is water up to 2 feet deep out there". Being a new driver, in my father's low the gr
ound BMW, this is not what i wanted to hear. Within the next hour, i was getting extremely
antsy to get out of there.

Finally, the person coming in after me, 2o minutes late.

I was freaking out,
i couldn't get home! The main ro
ad, Hillsboro was blocked off, and you could see the water creeping up the street. It was bad. I didn't realize how bad this was getting. I had to go the long way home, going around the water.

On my way home, i picked up April. It took me a good 35 minutes to get home, and i was lucky, cause 1o minutes after i had passes another street, it got blocked off.

Within the next couple hours, the tornado sirens were going off. It was exiting, but scary at the same time. The Harpeth river runs behind my house. If it weren't for the giant power lined field, we would have been screwed.

There is a bridge right down the street for the entrance to my neighborhood. April, Callie, Reagan, and I walked
down to the bridge to
see the damage. It was unbelievable.

My backyard looked like a lake!

The fence was broken, the water was 2 feet high, and increasing.

The next couple of days were insane!

People houses flooding to the ceiling, people getting evacuated from their homes, house bein
g burned to the ground, and houses blowing up!

Many of my friends lived in the bad part of the flooding. A neighborhood called Cottonwood was now called Lake Cottonwood. It looked like you lived on water. Literally. Cars were underwater in the driveway, water was up the mailbox, and windows of the houses were underwater. Insanity!

After a few days, all the washed away and the rivers went down, but left streets brown, and roads ruined. Everyone is just now getting back to normal and cleaning up the mess. Some people lost everything and are now living in shelters. I for one, stayed dry. No damage was done to my home, thank goodness!

I put together a little video of all the flooding that i witnessed. Check it out and tell me what you think :) Subscribe :)