Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Lover.

It's a love hate relationship.
The fact that ABC just announced that SEAN freaking LOWE is the new bachelor.
I mean, whatever girl he picks is just going to be the luckiest girl on this PLANET when this show is over with.
I am legitimately considering faking my identity and applying for the show...
Ya think I'm kidding...
Your wrong. 
Cause SEAN freaking LOWE is my lover.
My lover.
With his sexy bod. Perfectly chizzled arms. Blue eyes. Blonde hair.
Perfect family. Perfect values. Perfect Perfect Perfect.
So what I'm getting to here is.....
we're basically getting married....
And ABC can't do nothin' about it.

I'm just crossing my fingers that he will keep it clean this season.
Em did a fabulous job on her season. 
Let's just hope Sean took some notes.
But I'm not TOO worried about it. 

1 comment:

  1. YEEEES! I didn't know this was happening. Can't wait to watch it.
