Waldo? No folks, it's Osvaldo..
A boy in my math class. He goes out of his way sometimes to sit next to me, talk to me, read off my book/ paper, and to get me to help with his work.. Its funny. Well, the other night i was out to dinner with my family in downtown franklin at this high-end mexican restaurant called "SOL". This place is awesome, if you haven't been there, GO! ok, so back to the story, our waiter had already came and brought us our drinks. Soon after our drinks had arrived, my friend, Osvaldo, delivered our chips and salsa :) Of course, being the fun and bubbly girl i am hit off a conversation to our "chip delivery boy", Waldo (we're going to call him that from now on). We talked for a minute or two but he soon had to return to work. After he had left our table, i had mentioned to my dad how this guy acts around me at school, flirting and what not. My dad and Theresa had thought that this was absolutely hilarious! And so did i! Later on into my dinner, i was minding my own business, but soon i realized that my dad had called over "Waldo" to our table. He had a big smile on his face, but not for long. Not until my dad said the most EMBARRASSING thing. I didn't think i had embarrassing parents until this moment. These are his words exactly: "You better watch yourself. Stop flirting with my daughter in math class you here me." Wow i couldn't even believe it. I swear my face was probably as red a tomato! The look on his face was priceless! I was so embarrassed and looked at "Waldo" with a look of embarrassment. At least Theresa tried to soften the subject and play it off like it was a joke and so did i saying " oh, don't listen to him, i just told him you were in my math class, that's all" and Theresa said " Or maybe its the other way around, maybe she needs to stop flirting with you in class!" so at least that made it a little better, but still-it was embarrassing. After he had left the table again, i was so mad at my dad, he thought it was funny, but i sure didn't! So as dinner went on, we hadn't seen him yet, except the time when he delivered the food to us while i was in the bathroom as i passed him at the top of the stairs.
The food was great and i couldn't wait to get out of there! So we finished our food in no time! The waiter finally came up the stairs and gave us our check with a statement along the lines of " Oswaldo put $30 towards your bill so its going to be $12.43"
We were all freaking out!
WHAT!! WHY DID HE DO THAT!!! we were all laughing and messing around and laughing so hard.. The waiter couldn't believe it either. Dang, this kid must really like me to give $30 to us, basically buying dinner for the night. Thats like a nights worth of tips for this poor 15 year old kid! haha..We were all so surprised at this. So my dad, asked the waiter to bring Osvoldo back to discuss this with him. It took him a while to come, but he did. He was all embarrassed and everything. my dad felt bad for giving him a hard time. There was no way he would take the $30 from him, but that sure was a nice thing to do! In return my dad left a fat tip for the waiter and him to split. We left the restaurant still laughing about how that night went.
What a dinner to never forget.