I like to think my middle name is Bam.
First off. Having an older brother that plays varsity sports really has its advantages.
My brother Morgan, had a lacrosse tournament in Atlanta, Georgia a couple weekends ago.
To show our support to Morgan, my family and i drove 4 hours to watch morgan show off his lacrosse throwing skills.
(He really is good)
We got a late start- like always. But we ran into tons of traffic on our way there, it pushed us back to an hour behind. As a result of getting on the road late- we missed one of Morgan's games and were about to miss another if the traffic wouldn't get on the move! It started raining and we were convinced that the game was going to be cancelled. But hours later, after wondering around the Georgia Tech campus trying to find the field, we drive up to playing field, which looks more like a paved soccer field to me.
To make the long story short, we won the game 15-2... or something like that.
During the tournament, we were staying the night with some family friends that my mom had known since morgan was born!
On our way to their house we had to stop to get some gas. As we were pulling into the parking lot i mention to my mom that that the guy who is singing outside is super good, my mom agreed, but thought nothing of it. She soon realized that the guy singing wasn't someone from the radio playing outside, but a homeless veteran trying to earn a couple bucks so he can stay in the homeless veteran's shelter just down the street. He was injured and was playing guitar and singing by himself along the side of the building,
It was so sad to see homeless people working for a couple cents, let alone a man who fought for this country!
My mom and i soon got out of the car and stood next to him and started dancing and singing along with this old man. It was raining at the time and was singing "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" previous to this song "My Girl".
Luckily we had our handy-dandy Flip video camera at hand, so Big Mac video-taped us showing off our back-up dancing moves :)
this was pretty beast
this is all pure blown glass onthe ceiling
ok, so you will always have crazy people who will do anything for cash
this guy was so sweet, he didnt talk, or didnt have any facial expressions whatsoever
i think Kala and i had a little too much fun messing with this guy
he would move every once in a while, but only to re-adjust his legs so he wouldnt cramp up.
we ended up giving him like $5 or something
"Your right, im your Daddy"
we all started cracking up!
Watching the Fountain show here, i beleive it was "This Kiss" by Fath Hill at the time
Waiting for out food
if you ever go to Olives in the Bellagio Hotel, make sure that you go there starving
lets just say that we all filled up on bread- which was some of the most amazing bread, and FRENCH FRIES
they were the best french fries i had ever seen, they just just chunks of potatoes SMOTHERED in garlic and seasoning, oh my mouth gets watery just thinking about them
A giant vase?
as you can tell...
so this is said to be the worlds largest chocoolate fountain, i dont know if i beleive that or not, but it was pretty cool
they had a mirror above the fountain to make it look really dimentional
the best crepe i have ever eaten
Double. Chocolate. Chip
Bon Appetite!