Do something for me.
Remember back to the day when you were a little 6 years old girl.
And all you wanted for Christmas was a hot pink barbie jeep.
All that's on your list to Santa are the words "Barbie Jeep" written in a big fat pink marker.
It was your dream.
To be Barbie.
In real life.
I dont know about you, but this was me about 12 years ago.
I begged and begged my parents for one of my own.
And sure enough, Santa pulled through on this one for me.
Walking down the stairs in my princess pj's, turning the corner, and seeing it.
Sitting there.
It all it's pink-loving glory.
With (of course) a big fat pink bow on it.
Oh those were the day's weren't they.
Well, that was then- this is now.
I've grown up a little, and you know what?
I think i deserve it.
That's right.
D-E-S-E-R-V-E it.
A barbie jeep.
A grown-up barbie jeep.
Like this.

I'm pretty much speechless right now.
I'm 99.9% sure I have drool running down my mouth right now.
I would do
to own this one day.
Holy crap.
*deep sigh*
A girl can dream.
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