Saturday, January 28, 2012


You know what today is...
The largest snowflake's 125th anniversary.
Oh ya.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Life Of A Dreamer.

Do something for me.
Remember back to the day when you were a little 6 years old girl.
And all you wanted for Christmas was a hot pink barbie jeep.
All that's on your list to Santa are the words "Barbie Jeep" written in a big fat pink marker.
It was your dream.
To be Barbie.
In real life.
I dont know about you, but this was me about 12 years ago.
I begged and begged my parents for one of my own.
And sure enough, Santa pulled through on this one for me.
Walking down the stairs in my princess pj's, turning the corner, and seeing it.
Sitting there.
It all it's pink-loving glory.
With (of course) a big fat pink bow on it.
Oh those were the day's weren't they.

Well, that was then- this is now.
I've grown up a little, and you know what?
I think i deserve it.
That's right.
D-E-S-E-R-V-E it.
A barbie jeep.
A grown-up barbie jeep.
Like this.

I'm pretty much speechless right now.
I'm 99.9% sure I have drool running down my mouth right now.
I would do
to own this one day.
Holy crap.
*deep sigh*
A girl can dream.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Instagram is awesome.
Lets be honest.
Its obsessive.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012. The Best Is Yet To Come.

Happy Happy New Year!
What a year it's been.
Can't believe its over.
But the best is yet to come.
I mean, literally.
College. Boys. Independence.
Yes. Yes. & Yes.

Found this gem on pinterest.
Loves it so, so much.
I kinda, sorta, maybe, might have stolen some of these for myself.

I didn't really do too much on New Years this year.
Just moping around so depressed that I didn't have a hottie at my side to make-out with when the clock struck 12!
Yes, this is my life.
Instead, I went to the church dance!
no comment there.

My night ended with the traditional Critchlow Christmas Tree Burning!
Or shall I say blowing up?
Every New Year at around 12:30, the Critchlow's stock their tree up with fireworks and shoot rockets into it in hopes of it catching on fire and blowing up into smithereens.
It. Was. Awesome.
as usual.

New Years 2012.
Didn't get to check this one off the list.
Maybe next year.
Mark my words.


Monday, January 9, 2012

My Cave

Join me in obsessing over my room.

Giving myself a pat on the back for this one.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life of a Temple Run Addict.

So there's this game.
Called "Temple Run"
If you have an iphone and you like to waste time doing dumb stuff like me, then you need to get it.

Be prepared to be a Temple Run addict.
I got it yesterday, and
Its a love hate relationship, me and Temple Run.
I always end up falling off into the ocean, but I just get right on back up and do it all over again.
and again.
and again.
Until i'm just so frustrated that I keep failing at this stupid game.
You wont truly understand my feelings towards this until you actually have experienced it for yourself.
Maybe when I get past my lame-o high score of 90,000 maybe i'll post some proof on here.
But for now, I recommend that you go try it out for yourself.
It's awesome.
Ok, bye.

Not So "Young Wild & Free"

So its been a while.
I realize that.
I need to get in the habit of doing at least 1 post a week.
So here is this week's post.
Catching you up on everything.
That i've been thinking about, dreaming about, and wishing about.

So to start off, I want to ask you a question.
Do you ever find yourself thinking way too into things?
Well, I for one, am the worst.
I think wayyy too into things.
Especially when it comes to guys.
Oh gosh.
Here we go...
Playing the "poor poor me" card.
Well, here I am. Doing what I want.
Cause you know what? Its my blog and I can say what I want.
So back to the guy situation.
It sucks.
Thats all I can say.
Here I am, 18 years old, and am very....
how do I say it....
I think it's a problem actually.
Most teenagers like me would be living there teenage years living young, wild, and free.
Nope. Not me.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love having a good time and everything, but i'm not the typical teenage girl these days.
Ya know?
Ok, lets be honest here.
I just want a freaking boyfriend.
Is that really too hard to ask?
This is my life:
Get up. Go to seminary (on most days). Go to school. Work. Come home. Watch TV. Eat. Blog. Sleep.
Yeah pretty cool huh...
My life used to be so...exiting.
What happened?
You know what I think it is?
Which brings me to my next point.
Things just annoy me these days.
Especially at the High.
The things people do, I just think to myself "Why?"
You thought your high school was bad. Think again.
My school is a hell hole.
I hate it.
It's not even the school work either, which is what most seniors in high school would say.
It's the people and the lack of maturity they have.
Like, c'mon people.
Your 18 years old, about to move out of the house and be one your own for once in your life, and your too busy getting wasted and hooking up with random strangers on the weekend?
Get real.
What are you thinking? Oh, i know.
"It's fun." "I have more fun when i'm drunk or high." "I get more relaxed when I do.", right?
Oh ya, your right.
I'm so glad I can look back at high school and say that I actually remember the fun times I had with my friends.
It just bothers me that people have to rely on alcohol and drugs to have a good time.
Thats all.
I just want to tell them how bad of decisions their making, and how big of fools they look doing the things they're doing. Especially being so young.
Dumb kids.
I just can't wait to come back to all of this 10 years from now and just see how far those people have come. Nowhere.

Moving on...
I'm just SO incredibly ready.
You know that song by Kelly Clarkson "Miss Independent".
Yeah well that song was pretty much written for me.
Thats all I want.
To be one my own.
Living on my own.
Taking care of myself.
In my own town.
With my own friends.
Where no one tells me what to do.
It's not like living here is holding me back at all. Actually it kinda sorta is.
But in a non-meaningful way.
I'm just ready. Thats all.
My bags are packed and my mind is already set on college.
Not to mention where I'll be going to college.. *cough cough* shout-out to USU!
I really don't think its actually healthy for a normal girl my age to be so eager to leave.
But lets be honest.
I'm not a normal girl.

Moving on...

So today is Sunday.
And it was good.
Wanna know why?
Cause I looked cute/hot at church.
*double wink*

It's amazing to me at how much your attitude can depend on what your wearing at church that day.
I mean seriously, who can't love a little Anthro at church?
Oh, me!
In my opinion, its the best day of the week.
Cause you get to dress up in the most stellar skirts and heels that you own and show them off.
To the whole congregation.
While walking into 1:00 church 20 minutes late...
Is this real life? Did I seriously just let myself do that?
(I blame Momma Cram for that one. See, she didn't inform me when we were leaving for church, so I was just down my room taking my sweet ole' time getting cute, and I go upstairs ready to go, and there is no one to be found. I guess she just decided to leave me at home to fend for myself.
Awesome. Sweet. *wink*)
