Thats where he is!
We were lucky enough to steal some time away and visit Elder German and his companion for a short while.
And man was it awesome to see him!
It had been over 6 months since we had last seen him!
Crazy huh!
He's already 1/4th through with his mission!
Morgan's just trailing behind him...

We met up with them at a restaurant where we treated them with as much food as they wanted.
(lucky for them)
After we had eaten, we had decided to go to Walmart and stock up them on some goods!
When we walk out of the restaurant to get to our cars, we come to find this.
So typical.
Not even surprised.
ha. ha. ha.
Already looks so different!

So we get to Walmart and LOAD THEM UP on some serious food.
everything from gushers, to toothpaste, to sunny D to laundry detergent.
Kinda funny to see what guys needs versus what i would get if i were them.
Oh, how they are such boys.

All in all, it was a great short lived visit!
Great to see you Spenc!
Love you and Miss you lots!
See you in 18!