So pretty much EFY this year was bomb.
So fun.
{as always}
I mean, it is EFY after all.
So to start off i would just like to point out that it was miracle that i even got into this session.
Every time I went to check it out- it was completely full.
All 4 colors.
But then I checked one day at like 2am and sure enough, there was a spot!
So I snatched it right up!
At this point Syd didn't have a spot.
Well...sure enough, I get a phone call when I am dead to the world from Syd screaming at me saying how she had JUST gotten a spot!
I am not going to talk about actual EFY now...
So here it goes.
There was a lot of "some" things this year.
Some sweet session directors.
Some sweet girls.
Some beautiful girls.
Some pretty rad people in a group.

Some ridiculous dance moves.
Some crazy teenagers.
Some strong guys. (haha)
Some wannabe dirty dancing by Syd.

Some randomly good bowlers.
Some really bad bowlers. (me)

Some amazing memories to make an awesome week so...awesome.

And last but not least...
Some pretty stinkin' cute boys.
Not bad huh?

So all in all, EFY was the bomb.
Some serious spiritual action too, thats for sure.
There's nothing better than feeling the spirit that strong.
You don't feel it that strong anywhere else.
It's incredible.
You get chills all up and down your spin.
Especially during the EFY Medley.
(I'm getting chills just thinking about it.)
I had such an amazing experience.
{as always}
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