I called it from the very beginning!
you can see the proof here
Emily Maynard is the cutest, sweetest, most southern girl ever!
What's not to like?
I mean, c'mon...seriously
Brad Womack, you should know that you have chosen the PERFECT girl to spend the rest of your life with!

I'm so so so so so happy that you picked her!!
Emily has that southern charm and her dashing good looks which the quintessential southern belle girl for Brad.
you can see the proof here
Emily Maynard is the cutest, sweetest, most southern girl ever!
What's not to like?
I mean, c'mon...seriously
Brad Womack, you should know that you have chosen the PERFECT girl to spend the rest of your life with!

I'm so so so so so happy that you picked her!!
Emily has that southern charm and her dashing good looks which the quintessential southern belle girl for Brad.
The thing about the final rose is this...
In the very beginning, i knew it was going to be Shantal that was going to win...
how did i know that?
thanks to my little sister and her big mouth
thats all
She likes to go online and find the spoilers for the winner of the Bachelor every year.
gay i know
It totally ruins the fun!
Last night i went over to my friend Brooke's house with Jacqueline for a little Bach Trash.
About 10 of us all got together to watch the FINAL ROSE! ah!

The best part of the party was this...
up on Brooke's mantel, she had 3 picture frames.
one big one. 2 little ones.
The big one had a hot picture of Brad in it on one of the mantel, and the other two had Shantal and Emily's pictures which were placed on the opposite side.
Of course the whole room was decorated in roses to get the full effect.
So cute!

Well, once nasty Shantal was booted off (yippe), Brooke goes up to the picture frames, puts Shantal's picture face down, and barries it with roses, then takes Emily's and sets her's and Brad's pictures facing each other.
Aw. So in love.

I'm not gonna lie.
I sure was holding my breathe as he was speaking to Shantal.
But little did i know, he really was going to choose Emily the whole time.
Apparently Reality Steve predicted wrong.
{boo you}
But here it is!
The big moment everyone new was coming!
(by the way, that ring- HOLY CRAP!)
Now, there's only one little glitch.
the after the final rose.
Kinda disappointing.
And im sure i'm not the first to say that.
I felt like...they weren't the same.
The thing that kinda bothered me is this...
When she met his family, i believe it was his brother who asked her something along the lines of "If he asked you to marry him tomorrow, would you say yes?"
and of course her response was something like "Absolutely!"
Well, i guess things change after the season is over, and Emily and Brad are both sitting at home watching the show every Monday night and Emily see's him with all these other girls, cause they aren't getting married right away.
Another thing that bothered me was that she said during the After The Final Rose that she wouldn't move to Austin right away.
uhhhh....? ok?
Isn't that i kinda important issue?
I don't know, maybe that's just me..
Watch it back here!
(by the way, what do yall think about her hair? i like it cause it looks more natural, but i feel like it took away from her cuteness)
There is one thing for sure here though.
She is what i call real.
More real than any other girl on the show.
So don't be talking trash about her being a "gold digger" and what not in those rag mags.
cause its not true.
I love love love the reasons that she gave as to why they weren't getting married right away.
She said {at 9:45}
"He said a couple times that he fell in love pretty, and i just felt like if he fell in love pretty early then there should be some things that were saved for me."
She said that that was the real reason that they postponed the wedding.
And i just love that about her.
I'm telling ya.
Emily is da bestest!
He says:
"She is worth it. To try to change. I've been alone a long time. I haven't had the answer for anybody. So maybe i regret letting myself get the point makes her feel anything less than love."
According to Emily, they will be getting married!
But only time will tell!
The best of luck to them!
Love yall!
{really fast. can i just say something. Chad is smokin'. I'll take his brother! (so my cuter)}

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