Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I only have good luck 99% of the time...
Monday, March 21, 2011
We Like To Call It the MoFo
I'm Hardcore

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tweet Me!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Barbie & Ken

you can see the proof here
Emily Maynard is the cutest, sweetest, most southern girl ever!
What's not to like?
I mean, c'mon...seriously
Brad Womack, you should know that you have chosen the PERFECT girl to spend the rest of your life with!

I'm so so so so so happy that you picked her!!
Emily has that southern charm and her dashing good looks which the quintessential southern belle girl for Brad.
The thing about the final rose is this...
In the very beginning, i knew it was going to be Shantal that was going to win...
how did i know that?
thanks to my little sister and her big mouth
thats all
She likes to go online and find the spoilers for the winner of the Bachelor every year.
gay i know
It totally ruins the fun!
Last night i went over to my friend Brooke's house with Jacqueline for a little Bach Trash.
About 10 of us all got together to watch the FINAL ROSE! ah!

The best part of the party was this...
up on Brooke's mantel, she had 3 picture frames.
one big one. 2 little ones.
The big one had a hot picture of Brad in it on one of the mantel, and the other two had Shantal and Emily's pictures which were placed on the opposite side.
Of course the whole room was decorated in roses to get the full effect.
So cute!

Well, once nasty Shantal was booted off (yippe), Brooke goes up to the picture frames, puts Shantal's picture face down, and barries it with roses, then takes Emily's and sets her's and Brad's pictures facing each other.
Aw. So in love.

I'm not gonna lie.
I sure was holding my breathe as he was speaking to Shantal.
But little did i know, he really was going to choose Emily the whole time.
Apparently Reality Steve predicted wrong.
{boo you}
But here it is!
The big moment everyone new was coming!
(by the way, that ring- HOLY CRAP!)
Now, there's only one little glitch.
the after the final rose.
Kinda disappointing.
And im sure i'm not the first to say that.
I felt like...they weren't the same.
The thing that kinda bothered me is this...
When she met his family, i believe it was his brother who asked her something along the lines of "If he asked you to marry him tomorrow, would you say yes?"
and of course her response was something like "Absolutely!"
Well, i guess things change after the season is over, and Emily and Brad are both sitting at home watching the show every Monday night and Emily see's him with all these other girls, cause they aren't getting married right away.
Another thing that bothered me was that she said during the After The Final Rose that she wouldn't move to Austin right away.
uhhhh....? ok?
Isn't that i kinda important issue?
I don't know, maybe that's just me..
Watch it back here!
(by the way, what do yall think about her hair? i like it cause it looks more natural, but i feel like it took away from her cuteness)
There is one thing for sure here though.
She is what i call real.
More real than any other girl on the show.
So don't be talking trash about her being a "gold digger" and what not in those rag mags.
cause its not true.
I love love love the reasons that she gave as to why they weren't getting married right away.
She said {at 9:45}
"He said a couple times that he fell in love pretty, and i just felt like if he fell in love pretty early then there should be some things that were saved for me."
She said that that was the real reason that they postponed the wedding.
And i just love that about her.
I'm telling ya.
Emily is da bestest!
He says:
"She is worth it. To try to change. I've been alone a long time. I haven't had the answer for anybody. So maybe i regret letting myself get the point makes her feel anything less than love."
According to Emily, they will be getting married!
But only time will tell!
The best of luck to them!
Love yall!
{really fast. can i just say something. Chad is smokin'. I'll take his brother! (so my cuter)}

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Happy Sunday!
Lately I have been really thinking about how truly fotunate i am to live in such an amazing country. I am so fortunate to where I don't have to worry about how i'm going to find the money to pay for clothes, food, and shelter. After the 8.9 earthquake in Japan struck, it made me really realize that we need to help. We sometimes are greedy with what we have and aren't the best at helping others around the world. I was amazed at my community came together last year during the Nashville Flood and helped strangers get their lives and homes back to together.
The reason I chose this for the thought of the week was obviously due to the quakes in Asia. Please do what you can to help these troubles souls. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as this tragic event continues to break apart families, homes, and communities.
We are “to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tear of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted, whether in this church, or in any other, or in no church at all..”
“Not only by precept did Jesus teach, but also by example. . . He stretched forth his hand that others might be lifted. . . Unaltered is the divine command to succor the weak and lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen the feeble knees. Each of us has the charge to be. . . a doer. . . lifter. . . There are those within the sphere of our own influence who, with outstretched hands, cry out: ‘Is there no balm in Gilead…?’ Each of us must answer”
(Thomas S. Monson, “With Hand and Heart,” Ensign, Jan 1995, 2)
To read more about how you can help go here!
I {heart} quotes
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Kim's Singing? What?

FGC Presentation!
And the wait is finally here!
Presentation is basically when we, junior girls, get presented to be "big sisters".
We had to have had 20 hours and 10 credits in order to be presented!
And we all did it!
So, that was a relief!

I hate asking guys to things like this.
Granted it was my first "dance" type event ever, but still- I didn't like it.
I didn't really have anyone I was dying to ask. Most of the girls were taking their boyfriends or a good guy friend. My problem was, i don't have a boyfriend nor do i have any good guy friends that either were available or were already going.
So that kinda sucked.
I had been thinking about asking this guy i had just recently met. His name is Jon. He's super cool, but i felt awkward asking him since i barely knew him.
But, what the heck! What's the worse thing that could happen?
He'd say no?
I can take that.
So, after exchanging a few texts here and there, and seeing each other...umm...3 times?
I asked him.
("oh gosh, why am i doing this right now" i was thinking to myself)
Gosh, i felt so stalkerish and kinda creepy.
But i was all okay.
After he said yes!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I don't know why the heck i was kinda freaking out, cause im so glad he came!
We had so much fun together!! Best part of the night was when we went to Sweet CeCe's afterwards and a group of teenage girls come running in and goes,
um, no.
It was so so so funny and everyone started dying laughing.

So presentation was a blast!
Of course dressing up in my modest-made dress and getting all glammed up was the best part!
When i get the chance to get all gussied up, i just cant help myself!
I love it!

So the whole reason we do all of this is too help other people in need.
Every year, FGC raises "x" amount of money to put towards a charity of some sort.
This year, we chose Make A Wish Foundation.
We raised over $10,000!!!!
A senior girl at my school who is in FGC had leukemia when she was younger and was in Make A Wish Foundation as she was going through treatment!
So we thought that Make A Wish would have been a perfect charity to donate to!
There is a local family in Franklin who's little girl, Patty, is battle a life threatening disease.
All she wanted was to be a princess and visit Disney World.
And we made that wish come true for her that night.
We invited her to come to presentation and showed a sideshow video all about her and her battle. It was a tear jerking moment for sure. After the video was finished, we called her up on stage and presented her with her wish. To go to Disney World.
There was not one dry eye in the crowd.
It was such an amazing moment that i will never forget!

Butt Lift?
Most of you know I went in for a surgical procedure for a Butt Lift at the Wal-Mart Medical Center. I didn't have the most pleasant experience. I should've left well enough alone.
I wanted to show you how it turned out. I hope this keeps YOU from having this done.
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE . . don't get a Butt Lift. You will most certainly regret it !!!

(My mom got this forwarded e-mail and i couldn't fight back the laughter)
I {heart} him
I am in awe.
I wish I was this girl in the video.
Tyler Ward is perfect.
He's so stinkin' cute!
Pia Toscano
end of story.
I have been keeping up with it this season and let me tell ya- there is some serious talent this year.
I feel like its better than ever before.
AI is most definitely stepping it up this year!
Pia Toscano is absolutely winning the season.
If she doesn't, something is seriously wrong with America.
She performed the song "I'll Stand By You" last week and i almost cried.
(not really)
But it was absolutely incredible and i'm pretty sure i re-winded it 3 times to listen to it again.
She's beautiful and can sing her butt off!
Check her out! You'll fall in love just like i did.
This week she sang Celine Dion.
Anyone who can sing Celine Dion, and be half as good as her is a vocalist in my book.
I got total chills when i first watched this.
She stands next to Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood on this performance.
Every girl might as well go home.
The shows over.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Called To Serve!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Now Presenting...