First Day Of School!
First Day Of School!
First Day Of School!
So it finally came around.
Summer is over.
Its time to hit the books.
I remember my blog post a while back counting down till summer.
And here i am, already counting down till summer, again.
Junior Year: hard. hard. hard. hard.
So far, so good...except all my classes are so dang difficult.
Here's my schedule:
1. Psychology
2. Algebra II (With the worst teacher on the planet)
3. Chemistry Honors. kill me now
4. English Honors. *Favorite
5. Art II
6. YumYum
7. U.S History Honors
8. P.A
So basically all my hard classes are at the beginning of the day.
So that more sleeping in for Sam Cram.
But at least I have P.A last, so i can leave school early :)
I still cant come to gripes that my brother, Morgan, is already a college student!
Its so crazy to think that i have a brother in college!
I told him when he left "morgan, now you find me a fine young man for me. Tell him to look me up on Facebook."
I wasn't kidding.

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