Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Big Mistake.
We were just about to leave the house to go bowling and to dinner with the family and before we left i went into my car to close the windows- cause the sprinklers were spraying inside. I turned the car on, and closed the windows...
4 Hours later
So about an hour ago I was asked to bring Kala over to a friends house at 10:30.
I was searching everywhere for my keys, but they were no where to be found.
I searched high a low.
Back-tracking my steps of where I had put them last, but i got nothing.
I searched in my bag. kitchen. Theresa's car. my room. the couch.
basically everywhere BUT my car.
(yeah you see where this is going)
So after I look in Theresa's car i thought to myself: " Oh, maybe i left them in my car..humm"
So i'm walking to my car. And i hear this noise.
something's not right
Its like i hear an engine running or something.
Im thinking to myself.
Im walking up to my car from behind, and i place my hand on the butt.
Its on.
I look inside, and the car is completely on with the engine running and everything.
I hop inside.
Freaking out.
Making sure that my car isn't running on freakin' fumes, i put the car in drive.
And drive away.
As i am driving away i'm thinking to myself the following things:
a. #145960 blonde moment for Sam Cram.
b. just imagine if i hadn't brought Kala somewhere tonight, it would have been on all night long!
c. What if my car just blew up?
This is what i pictured how it would look like...
Expect imagine a big green 4runner.

The Boy
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Franktown Showdown
And the football begins.
The first game of the year.
The Clinic Bowl
Against one of our biggest rivals Battle Ground Academy
(my old school)
It had rained all day, and we were all crossing our fingers that the game wouldn't be cancelled or rained out...
but guess what.
it did.
After the first quarter ended they moved everyone indoors.
Franklin fans in one place.
BGA in another.
It was a little ridiculous after 20 long minutes or sitting in the cafeteria passed.
So i left.
But they ended up resuming the game 15 minutes after that.
Long story short.
We lost 6-7

(props to Maggie Barlow for the sweet pics)

Cougar. Junior. 7th. 4th.
First Day Of School!
First Day Of School!
First Day Of School!
So it finally came around.
Summer is over.
Its time to hit the books.
I remember my blog post a while back counting down till summer.
And here i am, already counting down till summer, again.
Junior Year: hard. hard. hard. hard.
So far, so good...except all my classes are so dang difficult.
Here's my schedule:
1. Psychology
2. Algebra II (With the worst teacher on the planet)
3. Chemistry Honors. kill me now
4. English Honors. *Favorite
5. Art II
6. YumYum
7. U.S History Honors
8. P.A
So basically all my hard classes are at the beginning of the day.
So that more sleeping in for Sam Cram.
But at least I have P.A last, so i can leave school early :)
I still cant come to gripes that my brother, Morgan, is already a college student!
Its so crazy to think that i have a brother in college!
I told him when he left "morgan, now you find me a fine young man for me. Tell him to look me up on Facebook."
I wasn't kidding.

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
I've Got Bieber Fever!
Baby. Baby. Baby. OH!
Justin Bieber is the cutest thing ever.
So adorable.
Some friends and I went to the concert the night before the first day of school and it was...
We had some serious adventures.
Like getting lost in Downtown Nashville and ended up in the Project of dowtoen- not a fun place to be at 1:00 am.
Especially when you have 5 hot girls alone in a car!
uh oh!

Courage To Stand Strong. Best Week of the Summer.
Courage to Stand Strong.
EFY is the best thing that can ever happen to someone.
It has everything.
Cute boys.
Fun mormon girls.
The Sprit.
The Testimonies.
The Laughs.
The Crazyness.
Its the one place that i can be myself and let lose!
Its amazing. Especially when you have your best friend with you :)
Sydney Thorkelson.
We met last year at EFY and went again this summer together!
[we had to have the D.C. for the long registration line!]
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