In order to get to the British Virgin Islands, we had to overnight in Atlanta.
Some confusing things happened and we ended up having to over night 2 nights. One night at the Sheraton, and the secondt Westin.
The whole day was super stressful and we all wanted to get some rest and relax in our rooms.
But not for long..
At around 10:30 pm, me and Reagan are watch Titanic on the TV. And we are at the part when they were all leaving the ship in all the chaos. It was loud, and crazy. We heard a siren going off, but not thinking anything of it, we just thought it was in the movie. That makes sense right?
We thought so too..
All of the sudden we get a call from the guy at the reception desk saying these words exacally:
"Everyone please stay calm, but can you please evacuate the building immediately"
Just what we needed.
I stayed calm, surprisingly, but Reagan and McKay on the other hand-weren't.
I immediatly called my dad to see what was going on, asking him if we needed to take our bags with us. He said no, but i of course ignored him and grabbed my bags.
We rushed outside to the hallways, where other residents were panicing.
No one could find the exit!!!
We eventually found it and rushed down 9 flights of stairs to ground level.
We met up with Morgan and Dad outside they were on a different floor than me) and immediately smelled smoke of some sort.
Outside were tons of firetrucks, and cop cars.
It was insane!
After about 30 minutes we were sent back inside and it was no problem.
But it sure was a night full of excitement!
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