I love this harbor and it means so much to me
i've been most everywhere, there's no else i'd rather be.
then here with you
beneath the stars.
and this old tree
Every year the Peterson family gets together somewhere for a family reunion.
For the past 3 years we have been coming to the lovely destination of
Hilton Head Island, SC
Can you say beautiful?
Best kept secret? I think yes...
I have been coming here since i was a little girl.
i remember the houses, the memories, the good ole times.
I want to be little again!
So there's this guy.
His name is Gregg Russell.
Going on 30-something years performing by the lighthouse under the big oak tree.
All the little kids gather round, ready to listen to this guy sing silly songs.
Songs about Unicorns, Tennessee, and Alligators.
he always wears the same shirt.
its always a Tommy Bahama looking kind of shirt.
That looks the same. Every. Single. Time.

It funny cause he has always said the same things
and over
and over again
ever since I could remember.
You can almost finish his sentence cause you know whats coming.
*The jokes about the Ohio vans.
*The bubblegum cruise
*The giant yacht next to the stage
*The "yuppy" names
*"Do not raise your hand, unless you wanna sing"
*"What do you want to be when you grow up? "A firefighter" "And whats the most important thing to know when your a firefighter? "Whatever you do, don't pee.."
the spooky lighthouse with the kid locked in the bathroom
the questions he asks like: "how many steps are there to get to the top of the lighthouse?"
answer: 114.
then he asks: "how many to get down from the lighthouse?"
answer: 114...
You always know whats coming.
A long time ago, in 1996. Morgan, my brother, was called up by Mr. Russell to sing a song. He probably had the best sign or sat the quietest (yeah, right) to earn his 30 seconds of fame up there in the spotlight!
Out of all the songs in the world he could sing... guess what he sang...
you know that song in The Parent Trap, "LOVE"?
Yep, thats it.
L-is for the way you look, at me
O-is for the only one i see
V-is very very, extraordinary
E-is even more than anyone that you adore and
LOVE- is all that i can give to you...
Funny kid. Still is!
So thank you Gregg Russell for all the great memories you have brought here to Harbor Town!
Well when i started here, in Harbor Town,
Elvis was still alive.
Taylor Swift wasn't born yet.
and i was only 5.
my friends all think that i'm corny.
but kids think that i'm cool.
my banker thinks that i'm brilliant
i think my momma,
didn't raise no fool.
The Lighthouse

There were green alligators, and long necked geese.
humptyback camels, and some chimpanzees,
as soon as your born
but the loveliest of all was the