Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bubbs is 21

Happy Birthday Bubba!
Holy moly.
You're 21.
Thats so weird, yet so awesome at the same time.

Get home already! 
We all kinda miss you.

My brother is cooler, funnier, crazier, awesomer, cuter, and sweeter than yours.
Just sayin'.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pirate Riot

Tonight Kappa Dee hosted a Pirate Riot date party! 
Let me just say. 
First of all.
I won the cake walk.
Woop! Woop!
I had an awesome date.
Thanks to my closet, I apparently already look like a pirate on a normal day.
Cause I already owned my outfit.
So that was sweet.

Kappa Delta Sisters.
I love then all too much.

This is Kailin. 
She's pretty legit.
Looks like a pirate. 
You should have seen her date.
Oh man. 
They would have won the prize for most decked out.

This is Ryan.
My awesome date.

So basically it was a really fun night. 
Just wait till this Saturday.
Oh man
Up next! 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Miss It

Home. Sweet. Home.
Take me back. 


Sunday, October 7, 2012


Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.


Hey. Hey. Hey.
Aggies all the way! 
Go Aggies, Go Aggies.
Hey Hey Hey

This weekend I took a little weekend getaway trip to Salt Lake City and Provo!
Mainly for the game, but I also wanted to spend some time with my family!

So, Maggie and I decorated out cars and got on the road! 
Let me just say.
People either loved us, or they hated us.
I had people flicking me off, to cheering me on.
Honking at me, and not letting me merge lanes.
These utah people really take their football seriously.

We watched the game with these two handsome boys.
They served an LDS Mission in my home ward in Nashville, TN and are now at school at the Y, so we met up and cheered on our own teams. 
*Go Aggies!*

Meanwhile, at half time I ran into some of my favorite peeps!
Musie, Jarrett, Whit, and Syd. 
And my favorite gingers from Vegas happened to be driving through, so I had to see them!
We went out to lunch at Jason's Deli. Yum

Saturday morning watched conference at a friends house in Sandy.
Got some pretty big news.
Like, reaaaaaaly big news.
Now, instead of girls being able to go on their mission at age 21, now they are aloud to leave at age 19. 
AND boys can now leave at age 18, instead of 19.
So, that's even crazier.

I came to salt lake late last night and woke up and the first thing I did was watch more conference, and played some board games...
So, I'm pretty much conference-ed out.
I love it though.

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend to say the least.
Got to see lots of good friends, catch up with some family, and caught up on some sleep.


Let's Go Country Dancing, Shall We?

Yee Haw.
The moment I heard about this event, I just knew I had to go.
The more excuses to to put my boots on and wear a cute dress, the better.
It makes me miss home. 
Like, crazy.
Oh, Nashville.
How I miss you and your crazy country nights.
Driving the back roads.
With my window's rolled down.
Blasting country's latest.
Take me back.

Anyways, back to the other night.
Gettin' side-tracked here...
Country. Swing. Dancing.
Let's be honest.
I dont dance.
Like, dance-dance.
Oh  man...this should be interesting...

Well, mistake # 1.
The dress.
Ok, the dress is cute and everything, but man. 
Bad choice.
I guess I underestimated the "Swing" aspect of the night.
Didn't dance with any boys that night.
Saving the boys a show.
Cause my dress was too...ya know...
Flowy?  Bouncy? Light?
Whats the word?
Well, I looked cute thought, right?

I found that crush I was dying to find...
We're pretty much perfect.
I mean.
Come on.
Lets get real here.
Who would say "no" to that face?

And I got that kiss I've been waiting for my whole life.
It was pretty...flat...cold...awkward.
Yeah, but it's cool.
Cause we're getting married.

Maybe I will be THAT girl in Utah that gets engaged her freshman year of college.
Sorry Dad.
There's an exception for everything, right?


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Feelin' A Little Corny

I'm just a really kick-a FHE coordinator.
Let me just toot my own horn for a second.
So we're going to the cornfield next monday for Family Home Evening.
And I was in charge of making the announcements.
Aren't they just the cutest?

We even had to go to the cornfield and pick 70 things of corn off the stalks.
And we got caught.
But not because we weren't supposed to be there.
The guy just thought we were some stupid kids goofing off, stealing his corn.
But we weren't.
We're good kids...remember? Not stupid.
But maybe just a little...

So Oak and I had to go around to every apartment in the LLC and be THAT girl who is inviting all the kids to the mormon Family Home Evening.
that girl.
