Thursday, September 27, 2012

So Happy.

I just want to tell myself something.
I am just head over heels in love with my major. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Lover.

It's a love hate relationship.
The fact that ABC just announced that SEAN freaking LOWE is the new bachelor.
I mean, whatever girl he picks is just going to be the luckiest girl on this PLANET when this show is over with.
I am legitimately considering faking my identity and applying for the show...
Ya think I'm kidding...
Your wrong. 
Cause SEAN freaking LOWE is my lover.
My lover.
With his sexy bod. Perfectly chizzled arms. Blue eyes. Blonde hair.
Perfect family. Perfect values. Perfect Perfect Perfect.
So what I'm getting to here is.....
we're basically getting married....
And ABC can't do nothin' about it.

I'm just crossing my fingers that he will keep it clean this season.
Em did a fabulous job on her season. 
Let's just hope Sean took some notes.
But I'm not TOO worried about it. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kappa Deee

It's official.
I'm a Kappa Delta baby!
And I COULD NOT possibly be any happier.
I love my sisters.

KD Lovas.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Square One.

 I just really, really love college.
I mean, who wouldn't want to go outside for four hours twice a week to go draw some sweet looking trees?
My classes are just perfect.
5 total. 
4 of which are design class.
1 of which is my general.
Its perfect, really.
Don't start till 12:00 two times a week.
The others, I have a 3 hour break in the middle.
Done by 3:00 everyday.
I think the college gods were on my side when they decided to make my schedule.
And my dorm.
 Takes me not even 5 minutes to get to each of my classes. 
2 buildings. 3 classrooms.
So convenient.

Today was a great day.
I have come to realize that my mood for the day is really based off whether or not I look cute that day.
And today, I was in a great mood.

It' so easy, in college, to just roll out of bed. Put on some yoga pants. Throw on a pullover. Slip on some flip flops. And go.
I may or may not have already done that 7 of the 10 day's I've been here, but we won't talk about that...
I find myself happier and more social when I feel good about myself.
That feeling is SO worth the extra 20 minutes it takes me to curl my hair, find an outfit, and do my makeup.
So if your starting to realize you're in a grouchy mood some days, try for once and look the slightest bit presentable.
Cause I for one, have not achieved that these past few days.

But I really am enjoying my classes.
They're not easy.
Thats for sure. 
But I'm getting by. 
(I hope!)
We'll find out if i'm right when I have my first actual legitament grade.
Cause right now, all my homework consist of is drawing, drawing, and more drawing.
But don't get me wrong.
I love it.

Math and Science were never my thing anyways...


Sunday, September 2, 2012

From The Girls of 203

Happy Sunday from the Girls from 203!
We had our first day of church and I would say it was a success.
Lots of cute guys.
"Cute" girls.
Awesome bishopric.
And a little competition. 
It's almost like a runway show on the first day of church. 
Every girl is checking out each other.
Seeing who has the cutest outfit. 
Prettiest hair.
Prettiest smile.
Who is already paired up with who.
Seeing what they have on the other girl.
It's true.
In the mormon world.
Ask anyone.

Can't wait for the day when they ask 
"Any new engagements this week?" 
Cause for heaven sakes.
I refuse to raise my hand in response to that question.
But hey, whatever makes you happy my dear.
