To say that I'm obsessed is a complete understatement.
I found this blog through another blog, through another blog, through another.And for heavens sake! I swear Mormon girls are the best bloggers.Sydney Poulton is one of the reason I feel this way as well..
I think the force field of the internet brings us together.It's true.Cause after I decide that I'm completely head of heels in love with their blog, I find out their Mormon!Ah. Love!Pink Peonies is her blog.
And let me just give you a warning-You
WILL become addicted, and you
WILL be amazed at how fashionably genius she is.
I mean...
come on.
Literally, obsessed..
I think its a problem...
She literally wears the same bracelets/watch in every single outfit too, which I love.
Check this out.
Great.My whole paycheck is going towards buying all 3 of her staple bracelets.
What? Like that's a bad idea or something?So now im extremely depressed about me not having cute clothes.And now I feel sorry for myself for wearing sweats to school 3 times a week.Maybe I should start putting a little effort in..Just, maybe...