So there's this girl in the cyperland of blog world who refers to herself as "The Hussy". You gotta admit.
For all those LDS people out there reading this post, it's almost like instant popularity when you find out someone is also Mormon. You immediately feel like you have a connection with the person.
Even though you have never met them in your life, and will never meet in your life.
Am I right?
Moving on...
She is a mother of 5, whose husband a.k.a "Lover" is deployed in Afghanistan.
Well she is notorious in the blog world for having a continuously occurring post labeled, "It's Inappropriate". She is that lady you see on the side in the corner booth of a restaurant awkwardly holding her phone in a strange position, trying to snap an awkward and awesome and (might I add) most likely inappropriate picture of someone doing something hilarious.
Well I too have many inappropriate things that I come across in my day to day life.
I have so many random and awkwardly awesome pictures on my phone as well as Mrs. Hussy herself.
So now i'm going to be that lady you see on the side in the corner booth of a restaurant awkwardly holding her phone in a strange position, trying to snap an awkward and awesome and (might I add) most likely inappropriate picture of someone doing something hilarious.
Without further ado.
I introduce to you.
Stands for "Your Not Serious"
There are so many things that happen to me, and my only response to myself is "Your not serious."
YNS: Can I just say something.
This will never happen.
Not even in your perfect dream land of a backyard.
They just want you to buy those sweet looking couches and lantern thingy's hanging from the trees.
Don't fall for it.
Don't do it.
YNS: So I walk into my room and walk passed this mirror and go "Woah, dang do I look skinny these days. These new years resolutions must really be working out for me."
Yeah well then I realized that it was a very long...skinny...tall mirror, that was siting on the ground...tilted up...
while I stood reeeeaaalllyyy far away from it.
Yeah thanks, skinny mirror.
I still love you though.

YNS: I think this just speaks for itself.
And I know exactly whats going through your mind right now.
"How can I re-create this genius idea."
You can't.
You little copycat.

YNS: Yeah I miss Reagan too.
But my sister Reagan.
Not the former President Reagan.
Just sayin'

YNS: Why in the world did I take this ridiculous picture of me "trying" to pull out he concrete key that is clearly permanently stuck into the ground?
Oh, it's just for "show" right?
I was thinking more along the lines of King Arthur...

YNS: This doesn't count.
Not for long though.
Then it will be history.

YNS: Story of my freaking life these days.
It's tough being Mormon.
Most day's, though, it's a breeze.

YNS: Oh yeah, this is Reagan.