December 13th, 1993.

It's my birthday.
And you know what that means.
I can officially buy all those cigarettes, dip, rated R movies i've been dying to get all my life.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
This post is going to be extremely long, so just giving you a warning.
I think its appropriate to celebrate as extravagantly as possible.
Well, I turned 18 today.
and it feels.....
This is a pretty epic birthday.
Do you know why?
Because its my last birthday I'll ever have living at home.
Thats just sad.
Because that means there no more surprise car decorating, no more streamer & balloon-lined bedroom, no random gifts at school, no surprise cupcakes at lunch time, no, nothing.
So that's just depressing to me.
Well, Momma Cram sure out-did herself on this one.
For me to even say that is very unusual.
Wanna know why?
I am very nosey.
If I know that a surprise is coming, or if i think my mom is up to something, I tend to snoop and investigate and 99.9% of the time, I figure out the surprise.
So, that being said, I would just like to commend my mother for keeping this one for me.
Well, as may would know, most of the time, she goes all out.
For an example.
Like today.
She had my best friend April go around to all my classes before school and gave each of my teachers a gift bag.
Each period I would get a special gift in the middle of class from my teacher.
Each bag had a little something in it.
A Lilly Pulitzer Cup, A "Pay It Forward" Key necklace, Starbucks giftcard, or a cute ring.
Each gift was so stinkin' cute.

By the end of the day I looked a little silly walking around school with my hands full of presents!
But I'm not gonna lie.
I kinda liked it.
Well, Momma Cram isn't the only one full of suprises.
(My best friend is pretty awesome too)
So, after 1st period, she texted me to meet her in the commons cause she had something for me.
Well...I'm awkwardly walking by myself to go find her and she is no where to be found.
But then I see someone standing alone by the pole with a bunch of balloons.
I look a little closer and there she is.
Oh, how I love her.
She even gave me a redbull.
She know's a love them redbulls.
Later that day, at lunch time I get a text from my mom saying, "Can I steal you away for a birthday lunch?"
Um. YES!
She picks me up and we go to one of my favorite places, The Mercantile, in DTF.
We walk in, and April is there!
Oh my gosh!
So surprised!
There she goes again.
Momma pulling off these surprises like that. (snap)
I finished off lunch with a delicious Red Velvet cupcake from Ivy Cake, and it was delish!
So, rewind about 12 hours.
I get a phone call from my love.
Kate. Butterlove. McNamera.
Precisely @ midnight.
And I pick up the phone, say hello, and I hear this.
Talk about almost peeing your pants.
I about died...
Wow, I have the greatest friends in the world.
Who in the WORLD would ever do this?
Oh, I know.
So we chatted for about an hour.
Not much to the convo.
Mostly just catching up on life.
Her job as a flight attendant was going great, my job was going...good, and everything else was just was superb.
I had asked her if there was any chance she could make it to my birthday dinner the next night.
She was taking a 3 day trip that next morning and was flying out of San Francisco, and she had said that there was n0 possibly way to be in 2 places at once.
I was so sad.
So fast forward to night time.
We had dinner at the lovely Maggianos Italian restaurant.
And dang, it was awesome.
Well all my girls, (most of them at least, with the exception of my college girls), made it to the dinner!
We had so much fun getting all dolled up and going to eat a great dinner!
We got there a little late, but it was okay.
We get there, sit down, and are all just chatting, having a good time.
When suddenly I hear someone say:
"Hi, my name is Butterlove, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I offer you something to drink?"
I look up.
And there she is.
Kate. Butterlove.
With the waitress apron, and notepad in hand.
Oh my gosh.
You have got to be kidding me.
I was in shock.
I hadn't even realized what was going on.
I was just looking blankly into her eyes.
So confused at what was going on.

Man! It was such a great surprise!
So props to Mom to pulling that one off too!
Here's a little sneak peak of what really goes on behind the scenes!
Side note: Our waiter was HOT!
Straight off Jersey Shore.
Can't wait to get in wedding invitation Kate!
You can't forget about the freaking awesome country music goddess that I share my birthday with!
Taylor Swift!
Pretty cool.
Just 4 years apart.
You can be jealous.
Go on...

You can be jealous of me having the same birthday at Taylor Swift while I sit here and stare at this.
Her 18th birthday present.
Wow, now I'm jealous.
How did she score that thing?
I want one.
