So lately I have really been slacking in the blogging department.
So my apologies.
In the past couple of months a lot of things have happened.
Concerts. Farewells. Working in Spring Roll. Babies
My life hasn't been as exiting as it used to be.
{not gonna lie}
But it's still fun to kinda over exaggerate how fun my festivities are by blogging about them!
It makes me feel special.
So to start off.
I would just like to point out that I am most definitely NOT the biggest hockey fan. But it's still fun to go the games and watch the fights.
They're the best part!
Well, the Predators were on the Playoffs and were playing some team.
I dont even know what they were called.
bad fan, yeah thats me.
But it was still fun!

Then, as you know, I didn't go to prom this year so I took a special trip to Annapolis, MD to visit by grandparents and cousins for a few days!
It was SO fun!
We went to a croquet tournament.
It was Navy vs. another school.
It was so fun to see all the hats and dresses all the preppy people were wearing!
We felt so incredibly out of dress code.

Then we had a nice evening watching the sun go down on the dock.
Here we are enjoying our stinky cheese and sparkling cranberry juice!
We even met some stinkin' hot "Mids".
Midshipmen they call them.
They are boys my grandparents "sponsor" from the Naval Academy, most likely on the football team.
Yeah, they were both pretty cute too.

McKenna Graduated :(
But she's BYU bound so it's not too sad and depressing.
Her graduation party was so fun, and yummmyy mexican food!

Morgan snagged some tickets for the Steeplechase!
Yeah, it wasn't the best weather, but we made the best of it!
I got my hat and Lilly Pulitzer dress when I was in MD!
Morgan of course decked out in his seersucker shorts and shirt!
So cute!

Mackenzie looked adorable!
LOVED her dress!
And out matching flowers on our hats :)
So cute!
Too bad I missed the memo about the rainboots.

Momma turned 37!

Speak Now/Help Now
Tay Sway baby!
I get a text from Jacqueline saying "Hey do you want to go see Taylor Swift tonight with me?!"
Um. Yes?
Of course!
It was soooo fun!
It was her "dress rehearsal" concert.
But really, it was a full on concert!
We got free t-shirts and everything!

Aw, so cute.

Lets just say that our necks were a little soar from imitating tay's hair flipping.
Oh boy.
Yeah, i'm still in pain.
We were some CRAZY girls that night.
Ow Ow!

Oh yeah. Model pose.

Jacqueline had her Grad Party!
Cougar! RAWR!

And today! Ah!
So So SOOOO cute!
I love babies.
I want one.
Not now though, so no worries.
# 6!
After all that, they still had another girl!
She is yet to be named, but the top runners are Harper, Campbell, or Lola!
So freaking cute!
She was born today,
May 26 at 12:17pm.
I'm obsessed with her.
Enough said.

Of course Jordan looked fantastic!
Hair still in tact and looking great!